

Exhaust steam recovery unit

The exhaust steam recovery device is based on the technical principles of vapor-liquid two-phase flow, liquid-liquid two-phase flow and venturi, through a complete set of precision automatic control devices, to recycle and recycle industrial exhaust steam energy-saving and environmental protection products. The reasonable installation and use of the device can not only effectively recover the exhaust steam and reuse it in the form of hot water to realize the cascade utilization of energy, but also reduce the thermal pollution and noise pollution to the environment, which is conducive to the implementation of energy saving and environmental protection.

洪江市| 博湖县| 肇源县| 苍溪县| 玛沁县| 斗六市| 栾城县| 穆棱市| 宾川县| 龙井市| 大埔县| 故城县| 望江县| 古交市| 寿阳县| 阳山县| 临潭县| 华安县| 陆川县| 邵阳县| 富平县| 上思县| 德州市| 海盐县| 双江| 临西县| 陵水| 静乐县| 临西县| 景泰县| 行唐县| 嘉荫县| 都兰县| 方城县| 澎湖县| 广德县| 玛纳斯县| 科尔| 泌阳县| 普格县| 宣城市|