


Nominal size NPS: ? ~ 2 ? ~ 4
Connection mode: internal thread, socket welding, flange
Nominal pressure Class: 150
Pressure difference bar: 0.1 to 1.5, 0.1 to 8, 0.1 to 12
PMA/TMA bar/℃ : 12.1/250
Shell material: WCB/A105
Download J7N
1. Free float set float, booster lever, valve disc three as one, is the only moving parts in the valve, reliable work, long service life.

2. Good sealing performance, low air leakage rate, significant energy saving effect.

3. Built-in automatic air exhaust device, quick start, no air blockage, continuous discharge of condensed water.

4. Built-in filter and fairing to avoid interference from impurities and prevent the impact of water flow on the float movement.

Uses: Used in saturated steam main, heat tracing pipeline, steam heating equipment and condensate recovery system.

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