


Nominal size NPS: ? ~ ? ? ~ 1
Connection mode: internal thread, socket welding, flange
Nominal pressure Class: 300
Pressure difference range bar: 0.1 ~ 21
PMA/TMA bar/℃ : 28.8/425
Shell material: A105/WCB

Download HDWTB5


The integrated multi-channel valve and the steam trap with universal joint are connected by two bolts to form a multi-function valve station. The double shutoff valve type multi-function valve station integrates a plunger valve at each trap inlet and outlet. The multi-function valve station integrates the steam trap upstream bypass valve, the drain/pressure relief valve and the steam trap downstream detection valve. Bypass valve/drain valve/test valve can be selected from different models of integrated multi-channel valve to achieve.


1. Compact structure, easy to connect with the trap.

2. Integrated supply reduces installation cost and installation space, reducing about 80% of on-site installation time.

3. Fully functional, with by-pass, drain/pressure relief, detection and other functions, can detect the use of the trap online.

4. Easy maintenance, online maintenance, does not affect the normal operation of the system.


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